Escape game The Omega Code

Company: The Code and Key Escape Rooms

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5.0 / 5

3 reviews


101 W. Kirkwood, Suite 113, Bloomington, IN 47404 ()

(812) 214-1497

Fountain Square Mall

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Professor Arken has been working on solving the Omega code for years. Finally, with the whole world watching, he solved it! Then he promptly disappeared. He took the solution with him but left the encryption key in a confidential file in his office. Your black ops team of secret agents (known only as U61) has been tasked with finding the professor and the encryption key - ASAP!

The government desperately wants to find him... but so does everybody else! Your team is up against the FBI and a slew of black market hackers. Was the professor kidnapped for his encryption by one of these groups - or did he disappear of his own volition? Your team has 60 minutes to get in, find the file, search for clues to the professor's whereabouts, and get out - before another spy agency catches you in the act!

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