Outdoor Duke's Revenge

Company: Scaventour

Average Rating:

5.0 / 5

3 reviews


2425 Kalakaua Ave Honolulu, HI 96815 ()


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Waikiki holds the answers. This game is in Waikiki and is a walking tour that will challenge you with a series of locks and clues that will engage you with the area like you haven't seen before. Beware of the back alleys and getting sunburnt, but time is limited and you're trying to complete the tasks with little time to spare.

A guide will meet you at the Stones of Life on Kalakaua (between the Duke Kahanamoku statue and the Waikiki Police Substation and across from the Hyatt) on the east side of Waikiki. The guide is akin to the gamemaster in an escape room and will assist you as needed. The guide will ensure the game keeps moving and you don't get lost.

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