Outdoor Tourist Trap

Company: Scaventour

Average Rating:

4.7 / 5

3 reviews


2161 Kalia Rd, Honolulu, HI 96815 ()


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Explore the west side of Waikiki in this challenging game. This game is in Waikiki and is a walking tour with a touch of military and Hawaiian history. Experience a series of locks and clues while engaging in Waikiki. Beware of sunburnt tourists and high-end shops, and complete the tasks with time to spare.

A guide will meet you at the Army Museum at Fort DeRussy (Between the Hilton Hawaiian Village and the Outrigger .... near Hale Koa) and will provide assistance if you need it. The guide is like to the gamemaster in an escape room and will assist you as needed. The guide will ensure the game keeps moving and you don't get lost.

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