Escape game Revenge of the Tomb

Company: America's Escape Game

Average Rating:

4.7 / 5

5+ reviews


8723 International Dr #115 Orlando, FL 32819 ()


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The Lost Tomb of Monthu is the archaeological find of the century. But it wasn’t just your team that found it.
Grave-robbers have used this a chance to plunder the priceless artifact known as the Ruby of the Black Sands.
It is up to you and your team to acquire this ruby before the robbers manage to steal it. Or worse, they find you inside. You only have 75 minutes!
Navigate with caution or else this Pharoah’s tomb with become yours as well.


The sequel to The Lost Tomb of Monthu! Play again for the 1st time • New Design • New Clues • New Mission

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