Escape game Operation Arctic Storm: The Final Meltdown

Company: The Escape Ventures

Average Rating:

5.0 / 5

3 reviews


570 N Alafaya Trail Suite 109-110 Orlando, FL 32828 ()


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At the same location

Квест Outage


The Escape Ventures

Rating: (4 reviews)


The station’s storm vehicle is built to withstand forces of 120 mph winds and is your sole chance at surviving a storm of this caliber. Teeny-weeny problem! – the vehicle has sat dormant for nearly a decade. With no fuel, no battery life, and no access to board without necessary overrides, all recourse of survival is few and fleeting… Will you make it to safety before THE FINAL MELTDOWN?


WARNING: If anyone in your party has a sensitivity to semi-flashing lights, scents or fog-like effects, or is unable to crawl or climb, please give us a call!
*Be advised this room is NOT wheelchair accessible and is VERY physically active. If players cannot crawl or climb, their experience will be extremely hindered. Closed-toed shoes are strongly encouraged for participants due to steep declines.
Failure to comply with operational instructions may result in removal from the experience.*

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