Escape game Headcase

Company: Breaking Point Escape Rooms


10582 Foothill Blvd #160 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 ()


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Two years after the failed mission to save Patient 17, Dr. Levins continues to elude capture and experiment on unsuspecting women. New information suggests that Dr. Levins has developed a cure. Can you save the captured patients and retrieve the cure? Or will you lose your head?


Headcase is a continuation of the story of our previous game, Patient 17. The game remains in the same physical footprint of Patient 17, but the storyline, puzzles, and features in the game are 100% new. Players who have experienced Patient 17 should note that while some of the environment may feel familiar, all puzzles and props are entirely new, and there are plenty of very exciting upgrades and surprises to experience!

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