Escape game Toymaker's Revenge

Company: Trapdoor Escape Rooms

Average Rating:

5.0 / 5

1 review


436 Charnelton St Eugene, OR 97401 ()


Parking is available along 4th Ave. at the corner with Charnelton, and the entrance is on the north side of the building (facing Skinner Butte). Look for the logo in the window by the parking lot.

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At the same location


You and a group of others have arrived at the doors of the factory of the world-famous Spielzeuger Toys. Despite his commercial success, your eccentric uncle, the owner, was considered a crackpot by the rest of the family. You had the impression that Uncle Gizmo was simply a bitter old man, but now that he's listed you as an heir... perhaps he had a generous side as well?

His final instructions are to enter the basement of his toy factory and receive your share of the inheritance. Perhaps that does sound a trifle ominous, but what's the worst that could happen?

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