Escape game The Dojo

Company: Trapped Downtown

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5.0 / 5

1 review


229 N. St Joseph Ave Hastings, NE 68901 ()


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At the same location


Your family just moved to Reseda, California and you’re having a tough time fitting in at school. You find out that karate is making a comeback with area teenagers and think that might be something you could try to meet some new friends. The All-Valley Karate Tournament is in a few months also, but this year’s qualifying criteria is different than previous years: all competitors must be affiliated with a local dojo, and need to have earned their black belt in order to register. You haven’t heard really good things about Cobra Kai dojo though, and Miyagi-do is pretty new. Your parents did come across a new dojo down the road from your house that primarily focuses on critical thinking and problem-solving. The term “dojo” is actually meant as a place for immersive learning or meditation, and since you really want to learn the mental side of karate, you decide to give Trapped Downtown Dojo a try. Now, you just need to earn that black belt so you can register for the tournament….ready, begin!

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