Escape game Dark Wyvern Mining

Company: The Escape Room USA

Average Rating:

5.0 / 5

1 review


200 S. Meridian St., Suite 220 Indianapolis, IN 46225 ()


Located directly above The Old Spaghetti Factory

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You, the Elite Client Response Team, have been dropped at the Dark Wyvern Mining compound with the utmost of secrecy. There has been a catastrophic electronic warfare event that compromised our 300 years of operations! Your task is to enter the surface office and gain access to the primary control center within the mountain.
There are only rumors surrounding this, but this may be one of the largest mine complexes in the world. Once there, you will need your tactical skills to intervene. I have been told that they are dealing with an unintended consequence of the attack, in that it released an aberration of nature that has been held behind a specialized containment field deep within the mountain. One last thing… can you keep from spreading ridiculous tales of what you see in the depths? We know the average miner is shorter than you or I…and so what?! Best of luck!

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