Escape game Time Warp 2020

Company: The Escape Room USA

Average Rating:

5.0 / 5

1 review


200 S. Meridian St., Suite 220 Indianapolis, IN 46225 ()


Located directly above The Old Spaghetti Factory

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My grandfather used to tell me stories about a prestigious school called Indiana University. The school was founded in 1820, but was later destroyed by a devastating fire in 1883. To everyone’s dismay, the school was never rebuilt because the needed funds were lost. Attempting to change the ill-fated history of the school, I have created the Time Reversal Machine (TRM) that will take you back to 1883 in an attempt to locate those lost funds. If you are successful, the school will be rebuilt, and time will proceed forward into an alternate reality. Had IU been rebuilt after the fire, it would soon be celebrating its Bicentennial in the year 2020. Your mission is to travel back in time, locate and return the missing school funds, proceed into the new reality, find the IU Bicentennial Plaque, and make it back to the TRM in less than 60 minutes. If you can make it back to the TRM, it will automatically power down to prevent you from being drawn back into the old reality. The exit door will then open and you will have secured IU’s future!

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