119 Roesler Rd Glen Burnie, MD 21060 ()
Second floor. Off of Ritchie Hwy., behind Bowl America.
For as long as you can remember, the Bayfield mansion has had a dark secret. In a reality where steam is power and gears are constantly spinning, you and your team of investigative reporters have relentlessly tried to infiltrate its walls for years, requesting invitations to the annual gathering for new members. Finally, a wax-sealed envelope is presented to your group … “You are cordially invited to this year’s Annual Dinner Party.”
At the table you find place cards for esteemed members of society, including airship captains, revolutionaries and famous alchemists. Before the other guests arrive, you find a shakily handwritten note under your plate. “You are in danger. This is a cult for the rich and powerful.” Your team needs to leave undetected before you are tomorrow’s headline.