Escape game Pathogen

Company: Hoosier Escape House


933 N Walnut St Bloomington, IN 47404 ()


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Dr. Ryan Goodman has long been known as a passionate, eclectic professor with an innovative, scientific mind. His colleagues rave over his brilliance, but they have yet to see what’s really hiding beneath his polished exterior. It is rumored that the professor has been creating a virus that can wipe out over 100 million people by simply opening the vial and exposing the pathogen into the air. He has created three identical vials of the virus and plans to release them tonight at a college sporting event.

In 60 minutes Dr. Goodman will be returning from setting up the last place where he will release his deadly virus. You and your team must seize the opportunity to enter his home office and steal the only three vials ever created. Do you and your team have what it takes to save the world from this apocalyptic pathogen and eradicate this virus once and for all?

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