It began with an anonymous letter to the Daily Journal. Addressed to the editor it detailed the gruesome murder of a woman, along with detailed instructions on where to find her body. The letter spoke the truth, and soon police had located the body of 19 year old Ruthie Marie. More letters followed, containing cyphers, coded notes, and taunts for the detectives. As the quantity of letters increased, so too did the number of young men and women who had suddenly disappeared in the Bowling Green area. With no leads, and no way of cracking the killer’s cryptic code, it seemed as though this murderous rampage would never come to an end.That was until this morning, when an up and coming Daily Journal reporter received a call from local resident Abraham Lucas, who claimed to have figured out who the killer was. He claimed that the killer was an old friend of his, and believed that he was hiding out in an old cabin they both knew about in the woods. Lucas didn’t provide the name of the potential killer, but instead directions to the remote cabin, and instructions that, should he fail to return before nightfall, the entire police force should be sent to the cabin. Nightfall has come, and now two groups, one comprised of detectives, and another of reporters, have descended upon the cabin, hoping to find the identity of the killer, and evidence to incriminate him.
But the light has gone, you are in his territory now, and he’s killed more than just young women. You must work quickly and quietly find both his identity and confession before he returns to the cabin, as there is no end to the traps he will spring upon his return.
The hunt is on… but who will be the prey?