VR Far Cry VR

Company: Zero Latency

Average Rating:

5.0 / 5

3 reviews


9405 Civic Centre Blvd, West Chester Township, OH 45069 ()


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Crystal clear water sparkles as far as the eye can see. Bright, silky sand sifting between your toes. Good friends, great times and not a care in the world. So many memories in the making, and even more selfies!

That’s exactly how this trip was going before your group was captured and imprisoned by Vaas, and his small army of henchmen.

Not quite the tropical holiday you were hoping for?

Vaas and his crew get bored really quickly. Turns out, even the charms of an idyllic island life of organised crime and kidnapping gets tiresome eventually.

Hungry for entertainment, this innovative gang have added a twist to the sport of hunting and well, you see where this is going - they’re hunting you and your friends.

You need to do whatever it takes to get the f*#& off this island.

Fight your way across Rook Islands’ vast environments. Come face-to-face with Vaas as you and your group dive deeper and deeper into the jungle.

You’re about to discover the definition of insanity.

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