Escape game The Basement

Company: Escape Room Cleveland

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5.0 / 5

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1796 Coventry Rd, Cleveland Heights, OH 44118 ()


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At the same location


Everyone in town knows to stay away from the Radley house. It has sat vacant and rotting for decades after grisly tales of its former owner evolved into legend. Neighborhood kids regularly dare each other to jump the fence into the overgrown yard, but nobody ever does it. Nobody, that is, until a new kid in town tried to make a name for himself. He not only jumped the fence, but he broke into a basement window and slipped inside.
That was a week ago. No one has seen him since.
The bravest kids have now rallied together and are determined to finally conquer the terrors that lie within the Radley house. Will you join them in finding the new kid? Will you survive whatever is in the basement?

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