Escape game Egyptian Heist[Closed]

Company: Mystery Quests

Average Rating:

5.0 / 5

3 reviews


5526 N. Academy Blvd. Suite 203, Colorado Springs,‎ CO‎ 80918 ()

(719) 822-3676

Located at 5526 N Academy north of Union and the Target store. Coming from the north from I 25 Academy Exit, past Vickers, you can turn into the driveway between EZ Pawn (closed) and Mike’s Camera. Coming from the south on Academy, turn left on Montebello past Union. Turn away from Wendy's on Montebello and an immediate right into the parking lot. Look for the third office building, Suite 203.

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Do you want to stop smugglers? Are you willing to risk everything to find and protect Egypt’s cultural history? You are a specialist in Egyptian relics working with a US Customs team to identify newly stolen artifacts being smuggled illegally into the United States. Can you find the stolen Egyptian antiquities for sale and escape the smuggler's office with your evidence in one hour?

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