Escape game End of Line

Company: Texas Panic Room

Average Rating:

4.3 / 5

3 reviews


2001 W Irving Blvd Irving, TX 75061 ()


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For years there have been rumors that the city’s trusty and seemingly innocent subway system has a darker underbelly – it is home to a number of notorious crime gangs. It’s now time to put these rumors to rest! Acting off a tip that a now closed subway line could lead to a coveted hideout, you and your highly trained team decide to take matters into your own hands and begin an investigation of an abandoned station. Will you take the fast track to deliver justice or take an unexpected detour on the way?


This room contains flashing lights in a small part of the game. Those with histories of seizures or epilepsy may opt out or have the flashing light turned off during the game.

This escape room is also available at the Fort Worth location. Adress: 2808 Hemphill St. Fort Worth, TX 76110. Phone number: 469-844-7754.

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