Escape game Scrooge: The Search For Holiday Spirit

Company: Conundrum Escape Rooms

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Welcome to the 18th Century, London, England.
Night has fallen over London on Christmas Eve, Ebenezar has just arrived home after making sure his assistant, Bob Cratchit, puts in his extra hours to make up for taking off Christmas Day. Scrooge lays back in bed, thinking happily on all the years money he’s scrimped and saved in the strongbox at the office. He drifts off to sleep, and wakes up in that very same office, but how did he get here, and is this just a dream? It all seems so real…
Walk in the shoes of Ebenezar Scrooge on Christmas Eve as he is visited by the Three Spirits of Christmas in this fantastic family friendly escape room based on Dicken’s classic story. Conquer the challenges set forth by the spirits, and maybe you can find the true meaning of Christmas!

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