Escape game Novacaine

Company: Escape Chambers

Average Rating:

5.0 / 5

2 reviews


338 SW 6th St Des Moines, IA 50309 ()


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After a string of seemingly unrelated disappearances, the authorities have no leads. There is one strange coincidence surrounding each missing person, they were all reported missing close to their dental appointment. Local authorities say that there isn't enough reason to investigate, without something more concrete to link the victims.

You and your friends decide to take matters into your own hands and soon find yourselves caught up in a race against time. Free yourselves and get to the authorities, or become just another victim.

If you suffer from claustrophobia or have a debilitating fear of the dark, this room is not for you. You may also get dirty, scratched, and/or hurt by the environment if rules and precautions are not followed at ALL TIMES.

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