Escape game Heroe's Alley

Company: Tactical Escape 101


4800 Golf Rd Eau Claire, WI 54701 ()


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The neighborhood has been decimated all in one blow. In the year 2025 There was a sudden burst of light and almost everyone disappeared. It is now 2035 and the developers are coming through with plans to make the neighborhood new again.
As you walk down the street you notice the former comic book shop, “Phil’s comics” is empty and all the stuff has been thrown away in the back of the store. Tossed like no one even cares. You sure miss Phil. He was one of the nice shop keepers, truly one of the good guys. You decide you will take a keepsake or two of the cool old place and as you start to rummage through the items you notice a glowing light down the alley. You can’t help yourself but to go check it out.
What happened in the alley so many years ago? Solve the mystery and escape the alley in 60 minutes or less.

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