Escape game Gotham's Darkest Hour

Company: NWA Escape Room

Average Rating:

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4083 North Shiloh Drive, Fayetteville, AR 72703 ()


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NWA Escape Room

Rating: (3 reviews)


As esteemed guests at Bryce Vane’s charity ball, you revel in an evening of luxury and intrigue. Suddenly, a mysterious envelope arrives, inviting you to Bryce Vane’s private study for an exclusive glimpse of a newly acquired, legendary artifact. Curiosity piqued, you and a select few step into the study, filled with rare books, ancient artifacts, and untold secrets. Little do you know, this seemingly innocent invitation will thrust you into a high-stakes adventure where the fate of Gotham hangs in the balance. Will you rise to the challenge and save the city?

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