5300 Powerline Road Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309 ()
Located in Xtreme Action Park
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Read all reviewsUnreal! The sheer complexity of these rooms and the story they all tell are unbelievable! I did the Cabin first and the Diner second and absolutely loved them both. I can't wait to come back for the third room!
Annora Gray is an eighteen-year-old graduating from Duskfield High. She is a brilliant student and a four-year cross country track star. She is a waitress at The Duskfield Diner, a 1950s style dine-in with peculiar owners.
One month ago, Annora Gray went missing. Her last known location: The Duskfield Diner. Can you discover the mystery behind her disappearance in the final hour before the search is declared a lost cause?