Escape game Critics Choice

Company: 60 Minute Missions


Lower Level, 116 E Pittsburgh St, Greensburg, PA 15601 ()


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You’ve never been to an award show so when you scored free tickets from your favorite escape room to go to the First Ever Houdini Awards, you jumped at the opportunity.

Just before arriving you get a message … a special message. Those free tickets were a ploy. You aren’t going to attend the awards. They want you to steal them – meaning rig the results in their favor. They hype you up as the perfect team for the job. If you can do this, they will make it worth your while.

You are to arrive at the theater just after the nominees take their seats and doors close. They’ve rigged the doors to lock so you can enter through the lobby without being seen, but you need to gain access to the special presenters area and stuff the major awards – Best Puzzle, Best Room, Best Gamemaster, and you can even put yourself as Best Team.

Media will be lining the sidewalks to await the red carpet results, so after the job is done … you may want to find a sneaky way out … up for it?

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