Escape game Scranton Strangler

Company: Vamoose Escape Rooms


198 N Yellowstone Hwy, Rigby, ID 83442 ()


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At the same location


We have found the Scranton Strangler’s hangout! We are sending you in as part of FBI Agent Scarn’s team, to go and investigate the building found in Scranton, PA. You have 2 objectives while you are secretly investigating the property:1) find proof of the identity of the Scranton Strangler 2) make it out before he comes back to find you in his hangout. If you fail to accomplish both objectives, more innocent lives may be lost. You don’t want to be the next victim! No prior knowledge of the TV show “The Office” is needed to complete this room but will enhance the experience. At least one person in your group will need to be able to physically crawl. If you need accommodations for one or both of these, we can make them but may take away from the experience. All rooms are accessed by a flight of stairs.

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