Escape game Locker Room

Company: Prototype Escape Games

Average Rating:

5.0 / 5

3 reviews


3546 St Johns Bluff Rd S UNIT 113 Jacksonville, FL 32224 ()


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It’s 9 pm at the Panthers sports complex in Jacksonville, FL, when you meet a reporter by the name of Skip Robertson. Skip’s uncovered some concerning news about the Duval Panthers football team. He has compelling evidence that the tyrannical General Manager, Com Toughlin, has been making back door deals with a famous European capital.
All he needs is the proof – That’s where you come in. With the help of a whistleblower security guard, you and your team will infiltrate the locker room during game time. The mission: Break into Com’s office and get the proof. You have about 60-minutes to get in and out before the training staff returns. Will you be the hero Duval needs? Or is it slammer-time?


Any Similarity to Persons Living or Dead is Purely Coincidental

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