Eight people is a reasonable amount of players for escape rooms. Everyone will find something to do: strategizing, taking charge, searching for clues, solving puzzles, cheering the team on, counting down the minutes, wandering from room to room or chatting up the game master. Book one of the rooms in Kingston and find out what will your contribution be!
2 – 10 45 min.
2 – 6 45 min.
2 – 8 60 min.
2 – 10 60 min.
2 – 10 60 min.
2 – 10 45 min.
2 – 8 45 min.
First of all, the photo is not an accurate depiction of the game nor is it sourced from this company. This game is literally an office space with some bars painted on the wall. The set is atrocious, the puzzles are basic and atrocious (all paper based and non-narrative focused, being a collection of logic and math riddles), and this entire company needs to be wiped off the face of the earth. It is truly one of the worst escape rooms in the country.
Escape Room Reviewer
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