Escape game The Oatman Jailbreak[Closed]

Company: The Oatman Jailbreak


262-100 Oatman Hwy, Oatman, AZ 86433 ()


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This escape room experience is unlike any other. Located in the historic downtown of Oatman Arizona you have the opportunity to play cowboy in a real living ghost town. When you look out the window of the cell at our escape room, you're gonna see nothin' but cactus, saloons, and burros for miles. Just like it was back in the ol' days.

Surrounded by the Black Mountains of the Mohave Desert, Oatman was once a thriving turn of the century mining community of thousands. By 1915 more than $10 million dollars worth of gold had been extracted from it's mines, helping supply the U.S. war effort during the First World War.

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