Escape game Manhattan Mission

Company: Lost Cruces Escape Room


755 S. Telshor Blvd, Ste. G4 Las Cruces, NM 88011 ()


Located in Telshor Tower Plaza - across Telshor from the Mesilla Valley Mall and three doors to the right of Tiffany's Greek Restaurant and Pizza.

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Silica Blanca Global Tech initiates final testing of its Gen-5 HarmonyMaker in T minus 60 minutes. But you and your crew know the project is covertly funded by The World Kalamity Faction. If the test succeeds, the world's dumbest leaders will own the world's smartest weapon. Work together quickly to discover and embed the chemical elements necessary to sabotage the test – before we all go up in one big mushroom cloud of stupidity!

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