Escape game Prison Break

Company: Spy Ninjas


7980 W Sahara Ave, Las Vegas, NV 89117 ()

(702) 444-4800

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Wrongly arrested after being framed by Project Zorgo, you and your friends find yourselves locked in a maximum security prison! You are surrounded by weathered cinder block walls, stained from the broken, forgotten souls that formerly served time here. Metal bunks, a rust covered industrial air vent and bare bones furniture erase any luxuries from home. You have to find a way out, but how?

Distant groans and moans of inmates, muttering officers and clanking shackles resonate through the cell as you attempt to find clues or any tools that might help you make your escape. There are rumors about a dark and gritty room on the lower level, where the hot boiler lives, burping and glowing with fire inside. Once upon a time, a group of inmates discovered a way out through this boiler room, if you can just find a way to get there unnoticed!

You and your innocent team must use your Spy Ninja training to devise a plan, find tools, and break out before Project Zorgo shuts down YouTube and destroys civilization as we know it! There’s just one problem. PZ hackers found out about the escape route and have sent a team to seal off the opening. If you don’t find the exit and make it out in 60 minutes, you will stay locked up forever, and Project Zorgo will succeed!
Please note that “World of Escapes” provides only informational services about the project’s activities and is not the game organizer. The portal does not have the ability to verify the quality of the services provided, and all information about the project is gathered from publicly available sources.

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