Escape game Sugar Rush

Company: Exit Escape Room

Average Rating:

5.0 / 5

20+ reviews


515 NW 26th St Miami, FL 33127 ()


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You and your team enter our state-of-the-art bakery to compete in the great NYC cupcake challenge, but as the timer starts you realize that your biggest competitors have hidden all the tools and ingredients and locked you inside in order to sabotage your chances of beating them! Can you manage to find everything you need and get the cupcakes ready on time? Sugar Rush is a super fun and interactive escape game, full of sweet surprises, with puzzles that put all your senses to work! Oh, and should you successfully complete the challenge on time... you'll get to enjoy your masterpiece cupcake creations!! Bon-a-petite!


No baking or knowledge of baking needed for this game.

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