Escape game Capone’s Cabin

Company: Solve Escape Rooms

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1720 Dolphin Dr D Waukesha, WI 53186 ()


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Rating: (1 review)


It was just another ordinary day until you received that invitation to an attorney’s office in the Northwoods for the viewing of your great aunt’s video will. And things really take a turn for the strange when you learn you just inherited a small cabin that has been vacant for over 70 years.

Your great aunt never visited the cabin that she received from her late father who acquired it during a bank foreclosure. Although she did admit she was tempted to explore the rumor that Al Capone and his gang hid out there during the prohibition era and hid a stash of gold bars. But she just couldn’t believe the stories that Capone and his cronies hid the gold behind a series of puzzles that if not solved in 60 minutes would be lost forever. But you’ve never been one to let a good challenge pass you by.

Could these stories be true? You quickly discover that there may be some truth to these rumors when you find the front door to the cabin locked. You’ll have to solve the first puzzle to even enter. And the countdown begins…

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