Escape game Kraken Casino

Company: Escape Room Napa


1345 W Imola Ave Napa, CA 94559 ()


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You’re invited to come play in this amazing luxurious steam punk vessel named after its benefactor “The Kraken”. The Captain has produced a power source that he uses to control our city. His Power is his power and he uses it only for his gain and not for the betterment of our society. The Resistance seeks your help in destroying the power source so that others don’t capitalize on the use of this power and destroy our civilization further. The Kraken would love to drag you into depths of the mysterious abyss if he finds out that you are part of the resistance. You may have to choose between saving our civilization or saving yourself. Will you accept the task and if so can you complete it within one hour? Many have tried and failed miserably never to be seen again.

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