Escape game Salvation Reactor

Company: RiddleBox Escape Rooms


620B W 5th Ave Naperville, IL 60563 ()


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It is the year 2024 but the world as you know is not the same. In this alternative reality, coal and steam power the world. As a result the technology that you are accustomed to simply does not exist. No computers, bright lights, or lasers. And the reason for this lack of progress is not an accident. Greedy and influential masters of the coal industry suppress any inventions that challenge the power of coal. Inventors vanish mysteriously before their groundbreaking ideas see the light of day. It's up to you to bring the world to a brighter future and get the blueprints of this new invention out of the lab of your scientist friend who was arrested when rumors about his new invention started spreading. You have one hour to secure the blueprints of a new, clean electricity generator. Act quickly, before sinister forces intervene.

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