Escape game School of Magic

Company: Stealth Escape Rooms


204 N Air Depot Blvd, Midwest City, OK 73110 ()

(572) 206-8126

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The School of Magic, renown for its success in training young wizards in the art of using magic for good, is now facing the greatest threat ever to its existence. One of those who would like to take the school in another direction has been so angered because he was denied acceptance into the school that he is using what rudimentary powers he possesses to place a curse on the school. If his curse is allowed to take effect, the school will suffer irreparable damage and be forced to close its doors. The school master has asked you and your friends to invalidate the curse by secretly entering his office at the school and solving a series of puzzles that when completed will destroy the wicked wizard’s curse as well as his ability; to bring about future dangers. You have one hour to save the school.

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