Escape game Mayhem at the Empire

Company: Locked Room Omaha


741 N 120th St Omaha, NE 68154 ()

(402) 504-3444

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At long last, you’ve hit the big time! After years of barely scraping by with bit parts on the amateur theatre circuit you’ve finally landed a leading role. You’re about to make your stage debut on Broadway, tonight at the Empire Theatre… at least, that was the plan.

Your sinister understudy, tired of standing in your shadow while you hog the limelight, has decided to take matters into their own hands. They’ve hidden your costume backstage, and unless you can find it within the hour the director will have no choice but to send out your understudy in your place!

This is your one shot to make it big on the Broadway stage, an opportunity that comes but once in a lifetime! Will you capture it? or just let it slip?

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