Escape game U.S.S. Destiny

Company: Breach Escape Room

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3 reviews


22661 Lambert St #203 Lake Forest, CA 92630 ()


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In the future, Space travel is commonplace. Science is conquered. Alien species have been discovered. And anything can happen.

You are part of the intrepid crew of the U.S.S Destiny: a starship that is the envy of the universe. When your mission is unexpectedly disrupted, it’s up to you to decide what to do. Will you get wrapped up in politics? Will you dance on the brink of nuclear destruction? Will you even survive?

In one of the first true “choose-your-own-adventure” escape games, the choice is 100% yours. Your decisions affect what comes next, and with eight different pathways and endings, you never quite know where you’ll end up.

We created this escape room to be re-playable, introducing you to new story lines, new areas of the ship, and different crew roles each time you play. We would encourage you to book two games of U.S.S. Destiny back-to-back, so your group can immediately explore a different experience.

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