Escape game Through The Sugar Glass

Company: Quest Tavern Escape Room

Average Rating:

5.0 / 5

1 review


101 E Foothill Blvd #26 Pomona, CA 91767 ()


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As the Yule season unfolds, an alluring relic from Lord Garrick’s prestigious collection has captured the attention of many. Recently, a mischievous servant couldn’t resist displaying this delectable sphere to the curious patrons of the local tavern. The sphere emanates an irresistible flavor, leaving all who encounter it intrigued and enchanted.
Are you ready to delve into the mystery of this captivating artifact? Join us for this sweet escape room experience, where you’ll have the chance to decipher riddles and uncover the appetizing truth behind this sphere from Lord Garrick’s collection. Will you be the one to unlock its secrets and reveal the hidden wonders within?

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