Escape game A Hero's Story

Company: Mission X Escape

Average Rating:

5.0 / 5

3 reviews


3400 Westgate Dr, Suite #8 Durham, NC 27712 ()


Inside Westgate shopping center on Durham-Chapel Hill Blvd

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You are the new recruits of the proud symbol of Justice Mr. X. He has thwarted innumerable evil schemes. In a recent fierce battle, Mr. X. was wounded by Dr Yvil, a man who was once a hero himself. Mr. X needs your help to keep the world safe while he recovers from his injury. During your stewardship, the villainous Dr. Yvil tricked and captured your group. You woke up in his prison cell and soon discovered that the devilish building was his base and it was set to self-destruct in sixty minutes.

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