Eight people is a reasonable amount of players for escape rooms. Everyone will find something to do: strategizing, taking charge, searching for clues, solving puzzles, cheering the team on, counting down the minutes, wandering from room to room or chatting up the game master. Book one of the rooms in Redding and find out what will your contribution be!
3 – 12 60 min.
3 – 10 60 min.
2 – 8 60 min.
2 – 8 60 min.
3 – 8 60 min.
2 – 8 60 min.
We almost made it out in Thwarted Escape room, so much fun. I got to see how smart my family really was. If you want an hour of extreme fun than get to Oasis Fun Center and try one of their escape rooms.
We did the Thwarted escape room here at Oasis Fun Center. We had a family team of four. We solved it, but barely. It was very well done! Not an easy solve. Lots of challenges and a few cool surprises. I highly recommend it. We have done rooms in Boise and Reno. This was my favorite!
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