Escape game Patient Zero

Company: Real Escape Room


4118 Fitzhugh Ave, Richmond, VA 23230 USA ()

1 804-234-4999

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Welcome to Nano-Gen Enterprises. We have invented wifi-programmable airborne nanobots that make viruses to CURE anything and a SUPER-computer named Josie to program them. Bad news is: Josie has gone insane. She created a nano-virus that heals the body quickly - but destroys every part of the brain that makes us human. Infected people are vicious, hard to kill and… well… eat people. The media calls them “Zombies”. Before he died, Dr. Figaro Skaramousch left clues on how to neutralize the virus before anyone else turns. But he had to hide or disguise everything so Josie’s robots could not find them. You will have to solve the clues he left you and re-program the nano-virus before it reaches epidemic proportions. And, the worst news is: The moment you enter the room you will be infected. You have only one hour before the disease has done to much damage to your body to reverse and you become one of them. Good luck. (This is the original Patient Zero game renamed "episode I" because by popular demand we plan on sequals in the future. Future installments may include zombies trying to get in or even a room where you are trapped in a room with a zombie... stay tuned!)

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