Escape game 221B Baker Street

Company: Beat the Room

Average Rating:

5.0 / 5

5+ reviews


6840 Five Star Blvd #100; Rocklin, CA 95677 ()


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Your team, a consulting detective agency, is working on a case with Sherlock Holmes and Scotland Yard. You’ve been summoned to Sherlock’s apartment. Sherlock says he’s cracked the case of the Bridge Street murders. As per usual, he wouldn’t tell you any details over the phone.

You arrive and find the door is unlocked and Sherlock is missing! Time is of the essence! You’ll have 50 minutes to unravel the mystery and save your colleague.


This escape room is also available at the Vacaville location.
Address: 814 Alamo Dr, Vacaville, CA 95688
Phone number: (707) 724-8696

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