Escape game Krampus: Violent Night

Company: Beat the Room

Average Rating:

5.0 / 5

2 reviews


814 Alamo Dr Vacaville, CA 95688 ()


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Tonight is Krampusnacht, and you have been deemed naughty. You hide in your room, underneath the bed covers as you ask for forgiveness. Suddenly the air becomes freezing…You hear the rattle of chains and the ringing of bells… “He’s here,” you whisper to yourself. A claw-like hand rips you from underneath the covers and everything goes black. This is the last thing you remember. As you groggily wake up on an unfamiliar floor, you hear the demented laughter of what looks to be elves. You realize you’re in a cell. One of them approaches you and mutters, “The Master will return in an hour to finish you off.”

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