Welcome to ADX Florence or "the Alcatraz of the Rockies"! The most secure prison ever designed...The prison contains a multitude of motion detectors, cameras, and 1,400 remote-controlled steel doors. Officers in the prison's control center monitor inmates twenty-four hours a day and can activate a "panic button", which immediately closes every door in the facility, should an escape attempt be suspected. Pressure pads and 12-foot razor-wire fences surround the perimeter.
You are currently housed in the Intermediate Unit where you can earn transfer to another institution if you remain incident-free. However, rumors have circulated about your involvement with a few gangs and violent inmates. The Warden is planning your immediate transfer to Range 13, an ultra-secure and isolated four-cell wing of the SHU where you will be locked in solitary confinement for 24 hours a day. You must set your plans in motion for the most epic escape in the history of prisons or face a lifetime in solitude!
Navigate your way through the chaos, with only a few quaint tools, and your wits about you. You will need everything you have to make it out unscathed and regain your freedom that was so easily taken from you!