Escape game Captive[Closed]

Company: Streaper's Escape Adventures


71 W 7th St Peru, IN 46970 ()


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You booked the game online for you and your friends.... You show up and pay and they ask you to wait outside. Seems odd... but you do it anyway. You hear tires squeal and two men in masks get out and scream at you as they bound your hands together and put black hoods over your faces. Is this the game?... Surely it is. Right? They walk you single file and you hear them talking... "We can play this off like its part of the game. The boss will be happy..."
Still part of the game... you keep telling yourself. You start to talk to your friends but you are quickly reprimanded and told to shut up.... This game is INTENSE, you start thinking. It isn't until you start to get chained to a wall that you realize this is NOT part of the game. It's too late now. A voice comes over a loud speaker..."Welcome kiddies... is this what you paid for?"... and the time starts ticking.

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