Escape game Flashback

Company: Cracked


4613, Ste C, Camp Phillips Rd Weston, WI 54476 ()


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Get ready for a nostalgic 80s/90s throwback in Cracked's newest game! Every weekend, you and the team get together for classic movies and shows. Tonight is special. It is your night to pick the flick. You surprise the team with a decades-old VHS player and tape that simply reads FLASHBACK.

Everyone is excited. You hook up the VGA cables, rewind the VHS, set the tracking, and everyone settles in. The show starts–a rad sitcom from the 80s or 90s. Suddenly, the TV flashes, beeps, buzzes and warps. Your friends are in a trance and you begin to feel it, too. You are being pulled into the TV!

You wake up. You are on-set of a nostalgic sitcom! You hear a voice over the loudspeaker shout, “Filming will begin shortly. This is the final take! Remember, the last scene must happen before the hour is up!.” You do not understand how this happened, but you know that you must eject the VHS and get out of the TV, or be stuck forever…
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