Escape game Temple of Tikal

Company: Total Escape

Average Rating:

5.0 / 5

4 reviews


280 Charlois Blvd Winston-Salem, NC 27103 ()


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In 378 AD the Mayan city of Tikal was ruled by Great Jaguar Paw, a fierce warrior with an opulent temple. He was killed in battle, but he left behind a series of puzzles to ensure only a worthy successor would be able to enter his temple after him. As soon as anyone entered, the doors locked and the challenge began, with only an hour to escape and stop poison gas from filling the air.

When your tour guide is accidentally separated from you and your team, you discover the temple tricks are still active! Trapped with only your wits and a few flashlights, will you defeat Great Jaguar Paw's challenge and escape the Temple of Tikal alive?

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