Escape game Biker's Revenge

Company: Encrypted Escape WR


600 Penn Avenue Basement West Reading, PA 19611 ()


Entrance is on 6th Ave Below Say Cheese! Restaurant & Cheese

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At the same location


It’s 1996 and an outlaw gang has made their way into Reading. They have caused mayhem everywhere they go for the last 10 years. Drugs, guns, brawls, etc…if it’s illegal, they have their hand in it.

You are part of the local motorcycle club and the police have requested your help to stop this dangerous gang. For the last 2 years you have been undercover and you have finally been left alone in their club.

The time has come to take the evidence to police, but you only have 60 minutes before they come back.

The police will be waiting to help you, but they can’t do anything without evidence. Get the evidence and get out… FAST!

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