Escape game Lost City

Company: Escapology


8725 Roswell Rd, Sandy Springs, GA 30350 ()


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Archibald Tucker was one of the greatest explorers of the 1930s. His tales of adventure were known the world over and his prized journal documented every adventure. In fact, he uncovered a treasure so rare, no man alive had seen it! But a sudden gust of wind slammed the temple door shut - sealing Tucker and his journal inside and both were never seen again. Now armed with the latest technology, your research points you to the exact whereabouts of the lost journal which holds the secrets to finding the treasure and you’ve brought all the materials essential for your adventure. However, once you’re inside, angered spirits awaken and deem you unworthy of the riches held within…Now, as a test, they grant you 60 minutes to prove your worth.

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