Escape game Death Row

Company: 13th Gate Escape

Average Rating:

5.0 / 5

5+ reviews


800 St Phillip St, Baton Rouge, LA 70802 ()


Next door to The 13th Gate Haunted House and The Belle Casino

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Inmates, welcome to Louisiana's Maximum Security Prison. Don't get too comfortable: your execution is set in exactly 60 minutes.

Due to overcrowding, the Warden has been forced to temporarily place you in the old E-Block. The guards say it was closed over 40 years ago due to a gas leak. But some of the old-timers say that it really had to do with a prisoner who escaped and was never found. Nobody knows how he pulled it off.

Are the rumors true? Did someone really break out? Is there a secret way out? Can you escape before your time is up and the guards come back to get you?

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