Escape game The Collector

Company: 13th Gate Escape

Average Rating:

5.0 / 5

4 reviews


800 St Phillip St, Baton Rouge, LA 70802 ()


Next door to The 13th Gate Haunted House and The Belle Casino

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As you try to sit up, your senses are slowly coming back to you. The last thing you remember was trying to help a weird guy with engine trouble, and a sharp pain in the back of the head. Looking up, struck with terror, you realize that you are at the bottom of a deep well! Overhead, way out of reach, you see a light and hear a door slam shut.

As the fear starts to take over, you recall the news stories about a manhunt for a serial killer that was identified in connection with bodies that had recently been discovered around Baton Rouge. Or more accurately, parts of their bodies...

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